the History of Operating Systems

Still In The discussion Operating Systems this time about the History of Operating Systems
According to Tanenbaum, the operating system is experiencing rapid growth, which can be divided into four generations: • First generation (1945-1955) The first generation was the beginning of the development of electronic computing systems as a substitute mechanical computing system, it caused people to calculate the speed is limited and humans are very easy to make a faux pas, mistakes and even mistakes. In this generation no operating system, then the computer systems were given instructions to be done in directly. • Second Generation (1955-1965) The second generation introduced the Batch Processing System, the Job is done in one series, and then executed berurutan.Pada this generation of computer systems not equipped operating system, but some of the existing operating system functions, ie functions of the operating system is FMS and IBSYS. • Third Generation (1965-1980) In this generation the development of operating systems developed to serve many users well, where users communicate through interactive on-line terminal to a computer, then the operating system into a multi-user (many users at once using gus) and multi-programming (serving many programs once gus). • Fourth Generation (Post 1980) Today, the operating system used for computer networks where users realize existence of computers that are connected to each other. At this time the users also have dinyamankan with a Graphical User Interface is a computer interface that based graphics are very comfortable, at this time also began the era of computing in which scattered computing-computing is no longer centered on one point, but broken down in many computer so achieved better performance....

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